Chaos Fighter Kungfu Fighting MOD Apk (Unlimited Money)

Chaos Fighter Kungfu Fighting MOD Apk is a battlefield. Use kung fu karate against your opponents and fight them with punching. In this, you can choose your player according to your needs. This is a street fighting game which is in 2d. In it, you will find great and wonderful graphics that make the game attractive and interactive.

Chaos Fighter Kungfu Fighting-Powers

In this game, you will also hear the sound of battle which makes you more attracted to play. You have to cross different levels. You will find more than 60 levels in it. In addition, it continues to upgrade the combat experience. So that you get new skills and new experience. This game is very easy to play on mobile phones.

Chaos Fighter Kungfu Fighting-Swing

Chaos Fighter Kungfu Fighting MOD (Unlimited Money)

You will have swords, spears, and many other weapons that you can use in battle. In addition, you will have martial arts qualities with which you will kill your enemy. You will enjoy fast speed in this game. All you have to do is defend yourself and kill or injure the enemy. Download the game to your Android phone and enjoy the game.



Chaos Fighter Kungfu Fighting MOD Apk

Official App LogoChaos Fighter Kungfu Fighting-Logo
Last Updated07-April-2019.
New MOD Features1. Unlimited Money.
2. Add the way to get a free weapon.
3. Optimized Memory.
APK File Size50.8 MB.
Google Play LogoNot Found.
Developer NameHsGame Fans.
APK Version1.1.4.101.
Minimum Requirement1. Android 2.3 and up Version.
2. 2 GB RAM.


Screenshots of Chaos Fighter Kungfu Fighting App

Chaos Fighter Kungfu Fighting-ApkChaos Fighter Kungfu Fighting-Chaos Fighter Kungfu Fighting- Fight