Our Story

APKjugaad.com is one of the leading websites in the mobile software industry that was introduced in 2019 by the ApkTeam in the area of Android Package file format used by Andriod Operating System for sharing of mobile apps and games. When you download an APK file, you get an app with it

Google Play Store is the world’s most popular App market for Andriod Phones and Tablets. There are more than 3.04 million apps available here. Some of them are freely available, and others are premium.

Therefore, to grab all premium and paid apps, you have to pay a specific amount through your credit or debit card. But not everyone has money to buy these apps. So, for everyone to enjoy these premium apps for free, there are options like APKjugaad.com, and other alternatives are available premium.

But APKjugaad is one of the best options for you. We can provide all repository apps that available over the internet for free you can check them out one by one on our website.


Our Mission

We provide the best quality Android apps and games not only safe for your smartphone but also the most popular of all sites.

Apkjugaad is committed to discovering the newest, featured, or useful apps and games for your Android device. It also gives you an entrance to download an APK file of a free app (application). You can also copy this APK file to your Sd card and you can use it on your Android phone.

The main goal of the APKjugaad.com is to provide Android users with a platform where they can directly download the app without any registration process and limitations.


Important Notice

We are not associated with Google, Google Play, or Android in any way.

All applications and games are the proprietorships of their respective developer or publisher.

All the apps in Apkjugaad.com are for home and personal use only.

APKjugaad.com shares the original APK file for the original Apps.

ALL Apk file is equally in GOOGLE without any Modification, Cheat, and unlimited gold Patch.


Why Choose ApkJugaad.com?

APKjugaad.com is a safe and secure website for downloading  APK files for your android smartphones.

We have an enormous collection of Apps and Games that is not available on Google Play and other alternative websites.

You can download your APK file without 3rd party sources or manual user upload.

APKjugaad.com is easy to use and a user-friendly interface.


Technical Support

Looking for technical support for your APK files – Click Here

Have you facing any issues while using our Website, then email us at apkjugaad@gmail.com

If you have any questions, feedback, or suggestions to share with us, ask without hesitation.