Dandara Mod Apk 1.4.6 (Unlimited Money) Download

Dandara Mod Apk 1.4.6 is an adventure game. In this game, you are in Salt’s world where you have to face many problems and you have to complete your mission. In this, you are a warrior only and you have to find your right way.

Dandara Trials of Fear Edition- Trobles-min

In Dandara: Trials of Fear Edition, you will find many features that will help you in this game. In this, you have to find mysteries and secrets. For this, you will cross the salt walls, which are made of bricks. Avoid gravity and jump on roofs, floors, and walls. In this, you have to enter in Reals, where you will find new powers and machines and you have to face a boss. The game’s control system is very easy to use. You can handle the Dandara very easily by touch screen.

Dandara Trials of Fear Edition- New Trial Await-min

Dandara Trials of Fear Edition Mod App

In this game, you have to face many difficulties. But you have to move on. In the track, your path will also be blocked. You have to use your power to destroy the blocks. The game’s graphics are also amazing. You will never offended. Download the game and play with your friends.



Dandara Mod Apk 1.4.6

Official App LogoDandara Trials of Fear Edition- Logo-min
APK File Size35.6 MB.
Developer NameRaw Fury.
Google Play LogoDandara Download on Google Play.
Last Updated03-November-2020.
New MOD Features1. Unlimited Money.
2. Lots of Bug Fixed.
3. Free Download.
APK Version1.4.6.
Minimum Requirement1. Android 7.0 or Above.
2. RAM 3 GB is Good.
3. Qualcomm Processor.


Screenshots of Dandara Mod App

Dandara Trials of Fear Edition- Explore-minDandara Trials of Fear Edition- App-minDandara Trials of Fear Edition- APk-min