Offroad Oil Tanker Transport Truck Driver MOD Apk 2.9

Offroad Oil Tanker Transport Truck Driver MOD Apk 2.9 is an oil transportation game in which you have to refuel oil from fuel stations to different small fuel stations. You have to take the oil tanker offroad which is a very difficult route. But you have to complete your task.

Offroad Oil Tanker Transport-Crooked Road

You have to go through a mountain path which is very crooked. You will be given a task to deliver the oil to different small fuel stations. You will also find Mika to check your driving. Because in it you will get to park the tanker, park at the proper station and experience many more.

Offroad Oil Tanker Transport-Driving Skills

Offroad Oil Tanker Transport Truck Driver 2018 MOD App

One thing to keep in mind is not to run the oil tanker at high speed as it may turn the tanker to run at a higher speed on a crooked road and your task will be left incomplete. So drive very carefully so that you can get the oil to the fuel station on time. Download the game and enjoy Heavy Oil Transport Driving.



Offroad Oil Tanker Transport Truck Driver MOD Apk 2.9

Official App LogoOffroad Oil Tanker Transport- Logo-
Developer NameRamsesPi.
Google Play LogoNot Found on Google Play.
Last Updated16-December-2018.
APK File Size33.4 MB.
New MOD Features1. Unlimited Money.
2. Free Download.
3. No Advertisement.
APK Version2.9.
Minimum Requirement1. Android 4.1 and up Version.
2. Minimum 2 GB RAM


Screenshots of Offroad Oil Tanker Transport Truck Driver MOD App

Offroad Oil Tanker Transport- Apk

Offroad Oil Tanker Transport-AppOffroad Oil Tanker Transport- Fuel Station