Vivid Navigation Gestures Mod Apk 2.0.11 Download

Vivid Navigation Gestures Mod Apk 2.0.11 is a very useful tool for android phones. Now, you don’t need to use buttons for checking notifications, minimize apps, recent apps, take screenshots, open the search bar, and other options. Just tap on the screen and option any option which you want to open.

Vivid Navigation Gestures Mod- APp-min

In Vivid Navigation Gestures, you get lots of features. With the help of this app, you can use your phone very easily because you don’t need any button for processing your phone. you can set this Vivid Navigation Gestures according to your comfort. You can set this app at Left Bottom, Right Bottom, Left Top, Right Top, Up, Center, etc. Besides this, you have more options to use this app. You can set this as Swipe up, Swipe down, Swipe left, Swipe right, Hold, Double Tap, etc.

Vivid Navigation Gestures Mod- Notification Bar-min

Vivid Navigation Gestures Mod App

With the help of this app, you can open a menu, Open the search bar to search for anything. With this, you can open the notification bar to check the social notifications. Besides this, you can use this app in the Music player to skip the songs. You can handle volume control. Many more options added to this app. You can easily operate your phone via only a touch screen.



Vivid Navigation Gestures Mod Apk 2.0.11

Official App LogoVivid Navigation Gestures- logo..
APK File Size2.49 MB.
APK Version2.0.11.
Google Play LogoVivid Navigation Gestures Download on Google Play
Minimum Requirement1. Android Version 5.0 and Later All.
2. RAM 2GB Required.
3. Octa-Core Processor.
Last Updated25 August 2020.
New MOD Features1. Free Download.
2. Bug Fixed.
3. Performance Improved.
4. Added New features.
Developer NameManuel Wrage.


Screenshots of Vivid Navigation Gestures Mod App

Vivid Navigation Gestures Mod- Permission Required-minVivid Navigation Gestures Mod- Minimize Shortcut-minVivid Navigation Gestures Mod- APk-min