QR & Barcode Reader (Pro) Mod Apk 2.6.9-P (Cracked) Download

QR & Barcode Reader (Pro) Mod Apk 2.6.9-P is an app that is used for scanning QR and Barcodes. With the help of this app, you can get information about any product to scan the barcode of their product. In iPhones, this is inbuild. But on android phones, you have to download.

QR & Barcode Reader (Pro)-Weblink-min

QR & Barcode Reader included many new features that will very useful. In this app, you can scan every type of QR and barcode. This is a fully supportable app. You can scan URL, GEO Location, Email, SMS, MATMSG, etc. Besides this, in this app, you will get a flashlight feature. With this, you can scan QR or Barcode in any dark place. This will very helpful feature for you. In this, you can zoom your camera to scan a barcode from some distance. In this, you have to give minimal permission to do a scan. In this, you can check the history detail of your scanning documents, QR, and Barcodes.

QR & Barcode Reader (Pro)-Scan-min

QR & Barcode Reader (Pro) App

To download this app, you must have an android phone 6.0 Version or any above, and RAM must be at least 2GB. In this, there is a theme option where you can change the theme as you like. You can choose the theme light or bright. Without this, in setting, you have many other options that you can select or deselect. Download the app and scan the QR and Barcode and get all information about any thing or product.



QR & Barcode Reader (Pro) Mod Apk 2.6.9-P

Official App LogoQR & Barcode Reader (Pro)-Logo-min
APK File Size4.88 MB.
Developer NameTeaCapps.
Google Play LogoQR & Barcode Reader (Pro) on Google Play.
Last Updated27-December-2020.
APK Version2.6.9-P.
Minimum Requirement1. Android 6.0 Version or Later.
2. RAM 2 GB Necessary.
3. Quad-Core Processor.
New MOD Features1. Cracked Version.
2. Free Download.
3. Performance Improved.
4. Bug Fixed.


Screenshots of QR & Barcode Reader (Pro) Mod App

QR & Barcode Reader (Pro)-Scan Barcode-minQR & Barcode Reader (Pro)-Options-minQR & Barcode Reader (Pro)-History-minQR & Barcode Reader (Pro)-Apk-min